Focused Thinking



NIFA featured article - Reaping the Big-Data Dividend: Why China Stands to Gain most from AI

AI is predicted to add USD15.7 trillion to global GDP by 2030. While North America is expected to receive nearly a quarter of this windfall, China’s economy will account for USD7 trillion, positioning it as a prime beneficiary of the AI boom.

4 min read | June 2019

Central Banks

Highlights from Nomura Investment Forum Asia 2019

1 min read | June 2019


Dealing with Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is today commonplace in the traditional financial sector, which is under increasing pressure to create products and services valued by clients and deliver a better customer experience to compete against new technology enabled new entrants.

6 min video | May 2019

Central Banks

Australia in 2019: Soft Growth, Falling House Prices and RBA Rate Cuts

2 min video | April 2019


Ten years after the financial crisis: a more stable financial system with new risks

2 min video | March 2019


Global Asset Allocation Outlook 2019: What does a slowdown regime mean for markets?

We’ve seen the market shift regimes where growth is heading sub-trend. The lack of policy maker ammunition may trigger more unconventional policies

1 min read | February 2019


Europe in 2019: What will drive a recovery this year?

Our European Outlook looks at what will drive recovery in Europe in 2019.

3 min video | February 2019


The UK in 2019: Why are global investors optimistic about the UK?

Our UK 2019 outlook looks at how the UK still remains attractive to international investors despite Brexit uncertainty.

1 min read | February 2019


Equity Markets in 2019: Soft Power Matters

As we approach 2019, we see a slowdown in economic growth rates across the region, but we can also expect some structural changes in the way investors view Asia, such as the China market. Traditionally, investors have looked at China in the context of Asia ex-Japan. However, our projections suggest China will be the biggest component of Asia-Pacific, superseding Japan as the biggest market in the region by 2023. Jim McCafferty, Head of Equity Research AEJ, talks about the forecast of the equity markets in 2019.

2 min video | December 2018

Central Banks

India Outlook 2019: Elephant to Lose Stamina

Lower oil prices have created a positive environment for India, but we are downbeat on the economic outlook as we expect the economy to transition from a growth sweet-spot in 2018 to a soft patch in 2019. India economic outlook 2019.

1 min video | December 2018


Korea Outlook 2019: Expect a Counter-Cyclical BOK Policy

We believe Korea’s economic cycle will enter and remain in a contraction phase in 2019-20, as we expect real GDP growth to slow from 2.7% in 2018 to 2.5% in 2019 and further to 2.3% in 2020 – below our estimate of the economy’s potential growth of 2.8%. More on our Korea Outlook here.

2 min video | December 2018


ASEAN outlook 2019: split into two camps

As the ASEAN-5 emerge from a difficult 2018, we see a divided growth outlook in 2019. Indonesia and the Philippines, in our view, will be bucking the global trend with accelerated GDP growth, while Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, will all be slowing due to weaker exports and structural constraints.

2 min video | December 2018

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