In the second and final part of a new paper on cybersecurity, Jason Mortimer, Head of Sustainable Investment – Fixed Income at Nomura Asset Management, provides practical strategies investors can adopt when engaging portfolio companies to improve cyber hygiene with directly measurable impact.
In part one, we covered how cyber insecurity is a top 4 risk in the World Economic Forum’s latest Global Risks Perception Survey; the fact that poor cybersecurity can have a negative impact on share price, stock volatility, probability of credit default and market share; and that investors can use cybersecurity performance data as a cyber incident risk early warning signal and governance indicator.
Firms are generally receptive to productive engagement on practical matters that address real risks and shape investor perceptions, making cybersecurity a meaningful engagement topic for active fixed income investors.
For investors, there are several key issues to consider when designing a corporate cybersecurity engagement strategy:
When applied judiciously and with prudent double-checks, the integration of cyber security performance data can materially reduce the risk and impact of cyber-events for portfolio companies, while adding valuable context to the overall corporate governance assessment.
While investor engagement with portfolio companies on governance and sustainability is now commonplace, objective measurement of engagement impact is often a challenge. For cybersecurity, investors can leverage cyber performance ratings and associated risk metrics to directly measure impact from engagement. This case study from Nomura Asset Management on cybersecurity engagement with supranational debt issuers shows how.
A recent ransomware incident that disabled the U.S. arm of a Chinese bank and briefly disrupted trade settlement in the US Treasury bond market is just the latest example of how cyber risks can affect not just individual banks but financial system integrity as a whole. Even before this event, Nomura Asset Management (NAM) has engaged with financial institutions in the $1.5 trillion multinational development bank (MNDB) sector on the topic of cybersecurity.
MNDB issuers are government-backed and typically AAA-credit rated financial institutions that fund their lending through issuance in debt capital markets. Since they do not issue common stock or pay dividends, MNDBs must appeal to debt investors on the strength of their sovereign backing, conservative finances, and high standards of governance and risk management – including cybersecurity. As vital providers of international development loans and technical assistance projects, MNDBs are highly exposed to both financial service sector and emerging market cyber risk, yet are typically exempt from national banking regulations and related cybersecurity oversight. As such, cybersecurity is a material yet traditionally overlooked comparison factor and investor engagement topic for MNDBs.
To assess cybersecurity management practices in the MNDB market, Nomura Asset Management partnered with Bitsight Technologies, a cybersecurity ratings provider, to quantify and analyze each issuer’s cybersecurity performance management and cyber maturity level for insights into relative ransomware risk as well as cyber oversight and governance quality. The resulting score distribution painted a picture of generally Intermediate-to-Advanced cybersecurity performance within the MNDB peer group, but with several concerning outliers. In particular, NAM identified high-risk MNDB issuers with Bitsight cybersecurity risk rating scores in the “Basic” and “Low Intermediate” range (Chart 1) that correlate with approximately 4.6 to 7.9 times higher risk of ransomware incident according to Bitsight research.
NAM engaged with the high-risk issuers by first explaining how cybersecurity is integrated into its governance quality framework and sustainable investment due-diligence process for MNDBs, and sought discussion with these organization’s CISOs for additional context. At one engagement target, the CISO followed up to report that new cybersecurity policies had been initiated and that specific risks were being remediated as a result of NAM’s engagement and shared data from Bitsight.
After three months, NAM was able to independently confirm through the Bitsight platform the quantitative improvement across all measures of that issuer’s cybersecurity practices, resulting in notable reductions in implied cyber incident risk (Table 1). These findings show how real-time performance data and analytics can enable data-driven cybersecurity engagement for measurable cybersecurity impact at portfolio companies.
Cybersecurity is one of the most pervasive and significant threats facing society today. As with the critical issue of climate change, a “whole of society” coordinated action is needed from companies, policy makers, and markets to effectively meet this challenge.
Technological solutions and regulatory oversight are already in place - what is needed now is for investors to “price” corporate cybersecurity performance by integrating it in investment decisions and engaging with firms to drive real-world improvement. Objective, comparable, and real-time performance data is the key to enable this cybersecurity-financial integration and engagement at scale.
By leveraging insights from Cybersecurity risk ratings and financially-material cybersecurity disclosures from firms, investors can better manage their own portfolio cyber risk, while contributing to the management and protection of digital systems on which we all depend.
To gain further insights into how investors can mitigate cyber risk, please contact Jason Mortimer.
Head of Sustainable Investment – Fixed Income, Nomura Asset Management
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