Focused Thinking


Emerging Markets

China Financials: 2021F – A Year of Recovery

Under a potentially strong recovery, life insurers and banks in China are poised to enjoy the tailwinds of rising market interest rates.

2 min read | January 2021


Biden’s Green Shift and its Impact on Asia

A pillar of US President Joe Biden’s bid for the presidency was the radical reform of US environmental policy, but what will it mean for Asia?

3 min read | January 2021


US: 2021 Economic Outlook: Searching for normal

3 min read | January 2021


2021 Global Economic Outlook - A topsy-turvy recovery

The still-raging pandemic produced a unique recession in 2020, but what does the future hold?

4 min read | December 2020


Biden gears up the US auto-industry to get back on a more sustainable track.

Given Biden's pledges to reform environmental policy what are the likely repercussions for the auto industry?

4 min read | December 2020


Social Impact Investing Looks Set to Rise in ASEAN

ASEAN countries have made significant advances in reducing poverty and improving human development but improvements in gender equality and social mobility have been slow.

4 min read | December 2020


China’s Dual Circulation Strategy: A Tale of Chips Versus Homes

Dual circulation strategy is a combination of import substitution and domestic demand expansion. It seems to be a natural growth strategy for China.

2 min read | December 2020


Classification of Risks Is Key to Tackling Climate Change

Absence of clear standards makes analyzing the financial risk differential between green and brown assets challenging for financial institutions.

5 min read | December 2020


Can you put a price on pollution?

Growing recognition of the criticality of decarbonising the world’s economies has lead to Carbon Pricing, but how does it work?

3 min read | December 2020

Central Banks

Thailand: The Economic Fallout of Political Protests – This Time is No Different

Student-led protests have resumed in Thailand, demanding constitutional changes and reforms to the monarchy.

3 min read | December 2020


How the UK Economy is fast becoming the runt of the G10 litter?

Will the UK be able to vaccinate itself against a weakening economy?

3 min read | November 2020


Emerging Markets’ Quantitative Easing Amid Rising Investor Discrimination

Analysis of the rapid growth in 20 EM central bank balance sheets and show how 10 are now larger than that of the US Fed (relative to GDP).

3 min read | November 2020