We’ve seen the market shift regimes where growth is heading sub-trend. The lack of policy maker ammunition may trigger more unconventional policies
1 min read | February 2019
Our European Outlook looks at what will drive recovery in Europe in 2019.
3 min video | February 2019
Our UK 2019 outlook looks at how the UK still remains attractive to international investors despite Brexit uncertainty.
Despite a difficult year, investors remain keen to use alternative risk premia strategies. However, current approaches may be less diversified than they appear, especially given cross-contamination in cash equity factors. A more diversified approach making use of fixed income has led to better returns and a more resilient portfolio
1 min read | December 2018
How X-Elio completed Japan’s largest solar sale – and what it says about the sector’s evolution
4 min read | November 2018
Euroyen bonds offer size and speed for banks seeking regulatory capital. Are more deals on the way?
4 min read | October 2018
As mainstream markets evolve, structured products that focus on volatility are becoming more central to risk management and investment. Traditional products, such as long-only equities or bonds, are no longer a sufficient means for investors to achieve their goals.
1 min read | September 2018
Issuance hit a record high in 2017 and conditions remain supportive for new issues.
3 min read | August 2018
Nomura’s structuring apportioned risk between the various counterparties while ensuring that there was a simple contract to present to the Chinese regulators.
Our research analysts, as well as representatives from our sales and trading desks from around the globe discuss the inevitability of volatility, and its true meaning. Volatility is often misunderstood and can mean different things to different people.
3 min video | June 2018
Central and Eastern Europe has been a manufacturing hub for the rest of the continent, but the model is creaking as labour costs rise; will innovation in software and digital write the next chapter in its growth story?
4 min read | June 2018
Goldilocks economic conditions of strong growth and low inflation and the hunt for yield mean that most investors remain optimistic. But in our three podcasts below, Nomura economists point out that there are good reasons to be cautious.
8 min podcast | May 2018
A continued rise in oil prices would divide emerging markets by economic performance. The macroeconomic cost to large net oil importers with weak economic fundamentals can be disproportionately larger than the benefit to net oil exporters
1 min read | May 2018