Fireside Chats - The 2020 US Election: Economic Policy under a Biden Administration?

In this episode of our Fireside Chat series we are talking with Lewis Alexander our Chief US Economist on the 2020 US election.

  • What does Joe Biden’s slogan “Build back better” actually means for US economics?
  • What will Joe Biden likely prioritise in terms of policy?
  • What are the potential executive actions for investors to watch?

In this episode of our Fireside Chat series we are talking with Lewis Alexander our Chief US Economist on the 2020 US election. Looking at; what Joe Biden’s slogan “Build back better” actually means in a nutshell for US economics? What will Joe Biden likely prioritise in terms of policy, & what will be the expected Congressional timeline? And finally, what are the potential executive actions for investors to watch, and what are the key role appointments to look out for further down the line.




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